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Apto. Turístico para 12 personas en San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria

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Casa CintoraLa Pinochada
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas condimentum eleifend porttitor. Ut sed elit eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras bibendum gravida ligula, ac egestas nibh varius vitae. Nullam id augue quis urna consequat vehicula varius sit amet nisl. Phasellus fringilla diam fringilla dapibus finibus. In massa nunc, dictum non lacinia non, interdum eu leo. Nulla cursus neque eget sollicitudin ultricies. Nam quis leo a elit pretium aliquet et ut erat. Donec venenatis suscipit augue sed suscipit. Vestibulum pulvinar vel elit laoreet auctor. Nam dui neque, viverra ac sem vitae, egestas facilisis massa.

Nuestro equipamiento

Piscina cubierta
Sala de juegos
TV en habitaciones
Parque infantil


Disponibilidad y precios para 12 personas
Fin de semana:100€
Semana entera:200€
Hab. / noche:60€
Condiciones especiales.
Oferta para navidad.
Oferta para semana santa.
Niños gratis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas condimentum eleifend porttitor. Ut sed elit eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras bibendum gravida ligula, ac egestas nibh varius vitae. Nullam id augue quis urna consequat vehicula varius sit amet nisl. Phasellus fringilla diam fringilla dapibus finibus. In massa nunc, dictum non lacinia non, interdum eu leo. Nulla cursus neque eget sollicitudin ultricies. Nam quis leo a elit pretium aliquet et ut erat. Donec venenatis suscipit augue sed suscipit. Vestibulum pulvinar vel elit laoreet auctor. Nam dui neque, viverra ac sem vitae, egestas facilisis massa.
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Nuestro entorno

Apto. Turístico para 12 personas en San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria
El casco viejo de esta villa es Conjunto histórico-artístico, iniciándose en la parroquia gótica que tiene a pocos metros restos de la muralla medieval. Dos iglesias se alzan en los extremos norte y este del pueblo, ambas románicas y con galerías porticadas siendo quizás la de San Miguel la más antigua de Castilla; los capiteles tienen labradas muchas figuras con toque islámico. Puente medieval sobre el Duero. Estelas funerarias romanas en la calle Mayor y torre de San Miguel. Bodegas rupestres sobre el cerro del castillo, que conserva un potente lienzo, y una bodega moderna con vino de Denominación de Origen Ribera del Duero. Buena gastronomía. Y en las afueras se encuentran al lado el Parque Temático del Románico de Castilla y León y el centro etnográfico Molino de los Ojos. Una primaveral Feria de Maquinaria y del Vino, así como un mercado medieval estival son otros de sus atractivos.

Qué ver cerca de nuestro alojamiento

San Esteban de Gormaz
a 1 km.
Historic-Artistic group where its two arcade Romanesque churches stand out. On the hill there are remains of the castle, and in its slope there are traditional wineries. Medieval bridge. See Regional Park Romanesque.
Catedral del Burgo de Osma
a 11 km.
Gothic cathedral with Cistercian influences with Baroque tower and neoclassic added in its monumental Chapel Palafox. Interesting Roman remains. It was built from 1231 Two facades with multiple figures. Cathedral Museum and Gothic cloister.
Castillo de Gormaz
a 18 km.
National Monument since 1931. The Europe's largest castle. Caliphate, from the X century, in Almanzor´s time. The Duero turns around the rocky outcrop that sits. El Cid was his warden and disgraced, his wife and daughters were there prisoners.
Ayllón, Conjunto Histórico-Artístico
a 22 km.
Ayllon summarizes the legacy of Castile in the sixteenth and sixteenth centuries frozen, hidden and guarded with care to release day and surprise visitors from the sights and cuisine of a medieval village.
Cañón del Río Lobos
a 23 km.
Axis of Natural Park of the River Lobos where the vultures are the kings of the air. La Casa del Parque in Ucero, and location of the Templar church of San Bartolo and Cueva Grande are charismatic. There are parking, road and path.
Yacimiento de Tiermes
a 27 km.
In the southwest of Soria surprises to the visitor the stone city of Celt Iberian Tiermes in the South of the site, and its equally fascinating Roman Forum and the Romanesque chapel. There is also a good archaeological museum.
Ciudad Romana de Clunia
a 27 km.
Clunia was Celtiberian first and was after Roman, and in it there are left different archeological remains, including mosaics. Its Interpretation Center, the forum, and above all, the theater stands highlight.
Castillo de Berlanga de Duero
a 31 km.
Renaissance castle defended by a wall of the XII century, in which Richard Lester filmed part of The Three Musketeers. From the top you can see the layout of this medieval town and its Gothic collegiate .Nearby there are anthropomorphic tombs.
Bosque Mágico
a 32 km.
En el BOSQUE MÁGICO FUENTE DEL PINO, de la Villa de San Leonardo, en un entorno natural, donde hay una energía especial y habitan la imaginación y la fantasía desde tiempos ancestrales, los gnomos, hadas y otros seres, lo han elegido como hogar
Monumento Natural La Fuentona
a 34 km.
At the end of the Gorge of Abión is it’s the birth of La Fuentona guarded by vultures and other raptors, surrounded by a pine and some juniper and oak. It is Natural Monument and you cannot have a bath in it. The best access is by Muriel de la Fuente.
a 35 km.
A Historical Artistic Group. Medieval town with its medieval flavor through its paving streets, typical houses, castle tower and city walls. So it has been stage in several films, excelling Chimes at Midnight of the great Orson Welles.
Hayedo de Tejera Negra
a 37 km.
By the natural wealth that offers; with natural vegetation is a worthy place to visit. It is configured by the Lillas and Zarzas rivers, and an exceptional beech forest, which is not difficult to observe free to roe deer and wild boar.
San Baudelio
a 38 km.
The hermitage of Saint Baudelio, close to Berlanga de Duero, is awesome because it drives us to Orient with its palm trees and it surprises us with its Romanesque pictures and its air of mosque
Santa Coloma de Albendiego
a 40 km.
L cabecera de Santa Coloma es uno de los tesoros más exquisitos del arte altomedieval castellano y español con sus celosías de sabor mudéjar tan singulares y esotéricas. Y se dice que fueron los templarios quienes construyeron el templo.
Centro de Interpretación del Vino
a 42 km.
Aranda de Duero, land of wine and lamb. This land has a history and flavor, vineyards date back to Roman times and today's wine culture makes it worth a stop to taste their red Ribera del Duero.
Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos
a 47 km.
Its cloister of perfect harmony which invites you to reflection, peace and dreams, while delighting the eye with the jewels of western architecture which is reflected in the capitals of iconography that bears the name of Silos.
Desfiladero de la Yecla
a 47 km.
If you want to feel part of a rock and go unnoticed among the falling water , come to La Yecla which is between the mountain in a path of 300 meters above the river Mataviejas.
Playa Pita (Embalse de La Cuerda del Pozo)
a 49 km.
Este hermoso paisaje rodeado de montañas, pinares y pueblos pintorescos, es uno de los lugares que no debes perderte en tu visita a Soria. Desde practicar deportes acuáticos, hasta disfrutar de una jornada de playa, aquí todo es posible.
Cementerio de Sad Hill
a 50 km.
El ficticio cementerio militar donde transcurren los últimos momentos de la película EL BUENO, EL FEO Y EL MALO y la secuencia más recordada, el duelo a tres entre Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach y Lee Van Cleef.
a 52 km.
Among Dueruelo de la Sierra and the Peacks of Urbión where the Duero is born, there is the rocky landscape of Castroviejo, the Enchanted City of Soria which reminds the city of Cuenca. The pine views from the lookout are outstanding. There are picnic tabl

Nuestra situación

Dirección: C/ falsa, 123
42330 San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria
GPS: Latitud 41.56836, Longitud -3.20469
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